Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Get the F11 (Fullscreen)functionality dynamically through javascript

Using this Code we will get Fullscreen functionality in google chrome

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Baby's First Years - The first years of my life!</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate() {

document.getElementById('username').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('password').innerHTML = "";

var user = document.forms["login"]["usersView.username"].value;
var pass = document.forms["login"]["usersView.password"].value;

if (user == null || user == "") {

document.getElementById('username').innerHTML = "Username not be empty.";


if (pass == null || pass == "") {

document.getElementById('password').innerHTML = "Password not be empty.";

if (user == null || user == "" || pass == null || pass == "") {

return false;
} else {
return true;


   <div id="specialstuff">
<div id="babys_wrapper">

<div id="babys_header">

<!-- end of babys_menu -->
<div class="cleaner"></div>
<!-- end of babys header -->

<div id="babys_middle">
<div id="mid_title"></div>
<form method="post" action="" name="login">

<th scope="row" align="left"><label>Username</label></th>
<th scope="row">:</th>
<td><div id="username" style="color: red"></div> <input
type="text" name="usersView.username" id="username" /></td>
<th scope="row" align="left"><label>Password</label></th>
<th scope="row">:</th>
<td><div id="password" style="color: red"></div> <input
type="password" name="usersView.password" id="password" /></td>
<th scope="row" align="center"></th>
<th scope="row"></th>
<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="login"
class="button" onclick="return validate()" id="fsbutton" /></td>

<p>Status: <span id="fsstatus"></span>
<!-- end of middle -->
<div style="height: 200px;"></div>
<!-- end of main -->

<!-- wrapper -->



Native FullScreen JavaScript API
Assumes Mozilla naming conventions instead of W3C for now

(function() {
fullScreenApi = {
supportsFullScreen: false,
isFullScreen: function() { return false; },
requestFullScreen: function() {},
cancelFullScreen: function() {},
fullScreenEventName: '',
prefix: ''
browserPrefixes = 'webkit moz o ms khtml'.split(' ');

// check for native support
if (typeof document.cancelFullScreen != 'undefined') {
fullScreenApi.supportsFullScreen = true;
} else {
// check for fullscreen support by vendor prefix
for (var i = 0, il = browserPrefixes.length; i < il; i++ ) {
fullScreenApi.prefix = browserPrefixes[i];

if (typeof document[fullScreenApi.prefix + 'CancelFullScreen' ] != 'undefined' ) {
fullScreenApi.supportsFullScreen = true;


// update methods to do something useful
if (fullScreenApi.supportsFullScreen) {
fullScreenApi.fullScreenEventName = fullScreenApi.prefix + 'fullscreenchange';

fullScreenApi.isFullScreen = function() {
switch (this.prefix) {
case '':
return document.fullScreen;
case 'webkit':
return document.webkitIsFullScreen;
return document[this.prefix + 'FullScreen'];
fullScreenApi.requestFullScreen = function(el) {
return (this.prefix === '') ? el.requestFullScreen() : el[this.prefix + 'RequestFullScreen']();
fullScreenApi.cancelFullScreen = function(el) {
return (this.prefix === '') ? document.cancelFullScreen() : document[this.prefix + 'CancelFullScreen']();

// jQuery plugin
if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
jQuery.fn.requestFullScreen = function() {

return this.each(function() {
var el = jQuery(this);
if (fullScreenApi.supportsFullScreen) {

// export api
window.fullScreenApi = fullScreenApi;



// do something interesting with fullscreen support
var fsButton = document.getElementById('fsbutton'),
fsElement = document.getElementById('specialstuff'),
fsStatus = document.getElementById('fsstatus');

if (window.fullScreenApi.supportsFullScreen) {
fsStatus.innerHTML = 'YES: Your browser supports FullScreen';
fsStatus.className = 'fullScreenSupported';

// handle button click
/*window.addEventListener('load', function() {
}, true);*/

fsButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
}, true);

fsElement.addEventListener(fullScreenApi.fullScreenEventName, function() {
if (fullScreenApi.isFullScreen()) {
fsStatus.innerHTML = 'Whoa, you went fullscreen';
} else {
fsStatus.innerHTML = 'Back to normal';
}, true);

} else {
fsStatus.innerHTML = 'SORRY: Your browser does not support FullScreen';



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